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Thanks to all judges for thinking so highly of our boy

Cheltenham and DCS Open Show

Judge: Tom Mather

Masculine and well put-together with a handsome head and expression, good pigmentation.  Strong, well boned legs and good feet.  Clean throat.  Good depth and breadth of chest.  Well ribbed.  Pleasing on the move.  A calm and steady showman. 

Midland Rottweiler Club Open Show

Judge: Jane Tibbs

2 years old and really liked this male. He has a clean well balanced head and delightful expression. Good balance between skull and muzzle, well defined stop, ears correctly set and a nice dark eye. Strong neck, well laid shoulders and nice straight front. With a good forechest and nice body proportions, straight back and good bone throughout. Muscled rear quarters and nice turn of stifle. A sound and steady mover and I was pleased to later award him RBD.


NW&PB Scotland Champ Show

Judge: Pauline Lockyer

Very smart 2 year old of super breed type. Beautiful headpiece with a very dark eye. Ears of good shape and carried well. Good strong neck into well laid shoulders. Compact body with desired 9/10 ratio. Right amount of bone and substance for his age. Correct coat texture. Front developing well. Moved soundly with good reach and drive, retaining his topline. Best mover in this class. Handled well. Really liked him.


WELKS Champ Show

Judge: Paul Harding 

Eighteen month old Pushed one all the way super expression correct ears dark eye good muzzle to skull proportion strong neck and shoulders well off for bone pleasing top line correct tail set well muscled quarters moved and handled well

Midland Rottweiler Club

Judge: Chris Culley


Well proportioned masculine head dark eye good pigment nice reach of neck correct topline and tail correct angles front and rear excellent feet moved with drive.

Coventry and District Canine Society

Judge: Corinna Diamond

My RBOB today and a very strong contender for the BOB who I have since discovered is his sire. With still time to mature further I will watch this youngsters show career with great interest. This 18 month old male had complete and correct dentition and two fully descended testicles. What a real character, oozing energy and enthusiasm he easily won this class due to his overall balance with no exaggerations, effortless movement and super clean outline on the stand. It was obvious this dog was fit for function in fact he benefited from movement as initially he was very excitable and only when he settled was I able to fully assess him. His young handler is very calm and patient with him, exactly what brings out the best in this dog. Not the largest of males however proportions are all correct, dry and clean head although cheeks slightly prominent. Small pendant ears with medium/dark eyes. Correct tan markings and coat. This dog had the strongest and tightest feet of the day and also the very best turn of stifle and great strength and soundness in hock. He uses his strong rear to drive away on the move, his general movement is very harmonious and effortless. Correct tail set and tail in proportion to his body. He is in good hard muscled condition. Loved him.

The Rottweiler Club Champ Show Stakes

Judge: Sarah Morgan

Seventeen-month-old, Not the largest of boys but he has everything in proportion and nothing is overdone. What a wonderful character this boy is never fails to give his young handler a workout. Dark almond shaped eye, excellent mouth pigment with lovely nostrils and correct ear carriage, Clean over his shoulders, excellent top line held nicely on the move a lovely tail carriage, another with a rosy future.

Ashbourne and District Open Show

Judge: Christine Robinson

14 month male who is maturing nicely, good head proportions, dark eye, correct dentition and scissor bite, dark tight lip line. Correct coat texture and good tan markings, strong neck flowing into a nice lay of shoulders, giving him good forward reach on the move. Good angles fore and aft. Excellent drive which is produced from a well muscled rear, topline held on the move, 9 - 10 proportions, pleased to award him the class and RBOB.

South Wales Champ Show

Judge: Espen Engh

well grown male, stood very well over his legs & feet & is instantly attractive. Pleasing skull, well set ears, some tendency to bulky cheeks, muzzle just strong enough for his age. Beautiful eyes & expression. Excellent neck. Firm topline despite being on the long side. Ample angulation behind, I would like no more than this. Beautiful coat & colour. Moved very well from the side, free & with good drive, but like the majority could be improved from behind. BP;

Rottweiler Club of Wales

Judge: Simon Luxmoore


typical male puppy head, good angulation front & rear, a little leggy & untidy on the move when viewed from behind, but good reach of neck & a strong topline. BPD, RBP;


Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club Champ Show

Judge: John Swinge


really liked this puppy. First class head, correct bite, nice eyes, good strong neck & shoulders, plenty of bone, nicely angulated, level back, well muscled, good feet. Moved & showed very well. BPD


North of England Rottweiler Club

Judge: Jane Tibbs

An 11 month old puppy dog whose clean smart head is developing well. I loved his expression as he looked up at me. Again a lovely dark eye and well set ears having correct dentition. He has a nice straight front and a good fore chest for his age, with balanced angles to the front and rear. His markings are well defined and when asked to move he showed he is steady, holding his top line and with a good reach for his age. He was presented in such good condition and clearly at one with his handler.

Judge: Wendy Topping

11 month old puppy, another lovely boy, nice outline, sound mover, good size, good front and rear, good feet and markings, good tail, nice head just would prefer a less rounded and darker eye.

Richmond Championship Show

Judge: Kari Jarvinen

 stood alone, excellent mover, excellent head, very good topline, very promising. 

Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show

Judge: Jean Lawless 

nice puppy with no extremes & developing nicely. Lovely outline with good bone & proportions. Balanced head with excellent lips & pigment, nice eye, well set ears of good size. Good neck, topline, strong withers. Good development in chest & forechest for his age. He stands well with a good underline. He has an excellent side gait but is a little weak behind & loose in front at the moment. Good coat & markings

Bournemouth Championship Show

Judge: David Cavill

still to grow but lovely outline, good structure and proportions, head coming on very nicely. A little weak at the hock on the move.


Paignton Championship Show

Judge: Stuart Mallard

head developing well plus features, straight front, strong bone, reasonable feet, developed ribcage with hindquarters to compliment, level back; 


Evesham Open Show

Judge: Theresa Stockman

9 months puppy, maturing nicely, lovely head with nice width of skull, dark almond eye, correct dentition & dark mouth, good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders, nice turn of stifle, well muscled, tight feet with good bone, moves well with reach & drive, very well handled, should have a bright future

National Working and Pastoral Breeds Championship Show

Judge: Joanne Johnson

very different type than the winner, far more mature & on first glance thought it would be the winner. Attractive head of different type to winner, medium eye. Straight front, good colour tan. Creates a good shape on the stand but lacked enthusiasm on the move & tended to lose his shape, well carried tail. Would prefer stronger quarters but hopefully this will strengthen with time

Windsor Championship Dog Show

Judge: Bridgette Bodle

8mth old and the best mover in the class, pleasing head shape with dark eye and good pigment, straight forelegs and good feet, moderately angulated quarters and shows strength in the hock, moved well particularly in profile.

Melton Mowbray Open Show

Judge: Christine Robinson

71/2 month puppy, confident young man, developing nicely. Good width of skull, lovely dark almond eye, correct coat texture and rich tan markings, correct scissor bite and dark lip line. Strong neck, forechest,and good lay of shoulder giving him correct extension on the move.
Good bone and tight feet, hind quarters well muscled for one so young, which showed in his drive when he moved. Well handled and pleased to award him BP, and delighted to see him awarded RBPIS. Congratulations.


Coventry and DCS Open Show

Judge: John Feehan

a very nice 6 month old dog puppy with a lovely head & expression, correct shape dark eye, correct earset and dentition. He has a good lay of shoulder & reach of neck, a straight front and average bone for his age, he has a nice clean outline, a firm topline & excellent rear angulation. He moves freely and with drive holding a good topline. His return movement is dead straight but to be critical he is a little hockey behind but I'm sure this will improve if not disappear as he matures & his thigh muscles develop. 

Chepstow and DCS Open Show

Judge:  Peter Matfin

A nice young dog, of good size, he had a good masculine head, classic expression, strong neck, excellent conformation, moved with drive, BP. Puppy Group 3.

Blackpool Championship Show

Judge: Rodney Oldham

stood away here, very well put together, liked his expressive head carried on a super neck with gentle arch and flows into excellent shoulders, topline and straight front, knuckled feet, depth to quite well sprung ribcage, gentle slope to croup, excellent definition to hindquarters and moved out freely as expected, shows promise and just needs time to grow on.

Three Counties Championship Show

Judge: Frank Kane

7 months quality puppy, well made & full of breed type. Good head proportions & eye shape. Well angulated forehand, maximum rear. Good stride

LASER Open Show

Judge: Mandy McClure (Mankell)

6 months old and very much a baby, well balanced with good bone and substance. Clean head with a medium eye, good stop. Rich tan, correct tail carriage.Good front and rear angles, tight feet. Moved well.

Bath Championship Show

Judge: Paul Lawless

Nicely balanced 7 month old, who was well presented and handled. He has a lovely balanced head with a nice eye and expression, a nice reach of neck & good topline. He has good bone & good feet & moved freely and soundly. BPD.



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